Cummings Consulting: Environmental Scans, Mediation & Workplace Investigations
Cummings Consulting: Environmental Scans, Mediation & Workplace Investigations
Cummings Consulting - Public and Private Sector Conflict Resolution
Cummings Consulting - Third Party Mediator
Cummings Consulting conducts Workplace Investigations

Workplace Issues:

I offer an extensive background in dealing with complex workplace issues leading to practical and lasting solutions which foster more respectful and productive environments. In addition to my many years of experience I have completed several courses dealing with Disputes Resolution at the Justice Institute of BC.

Regardless of which side of the issue one falls, there is simply no comparison between the costs of litigation and the costs of early front line resolutions to issues. It is far better to invest in the accurate identification and quick resolution of an issue than to deal with the litigation and lingering bad feelings arising from not doing so.

Facts We All Need to Know:

The modern workplace is a complex arena to navigate. No decision can be made - or defended - based simply on experience, intuition or because it’s the way it has always been done. All managers need to be aware of the ever-changing landscape regarding workplace harassment, safety and Human Rights. Every decision (including negotiated agreements between unions and management) has the potential to be scrutinized on two fronts: first, is the decision consistent, in substance, with current laws and legislation; and second, has the decision been made and communicated in a manner that is equally consistent with legal requirements? Decisions that are incorrect in substance (that is, they are "wrong"!); or decisions that are implemented and communicated in a disrespectful manner - may expose the overall organization to significant liability.

In order to respond effectively to the legal expectations of the modern workplace, management and supervisors must know how to make, implement and communicate decisions in an accurate and respectful manner. Simply put - following a fair and proper decision-making process will lead to evidence-based and legally defensible decisions. This will go a long way in reducing informal workplace conflict and formal grievances, increasing overall morale and boosting productivity.

Workplace Investigations:

  • Respect In the Workplace Complaints
  • Human Rights Complaints
  • Bill 14 Complaints
  • Environmental Scans
Cummings Consulting - Labour Relations